Leadership Quiz

Recently I heard from two friends who had horrible experiences with their bosses.      Their complaints were consistent. Their bosses had poor communication skills, did not trust decisions by their managers, had no strategy, were controlling, etc.    To sum up, these owners did not have good leadership skills.   So what does it take to be a great leader?    Take our quiz to find out how you rate.

1. Do you have a clear Vision for your Company?

a) Yes

b) Somewhat

c) Have not thought about it.

2. Have you shared your Company Vision with your employees?

a) Yes, all employees understand our Company Vision

b) Only our Management team know the Company Vision

c) Employees do not want to know the Company Vision

3. Did you develop a strategy to implement the Vision?

a) Strategy not required

b) Too much work to develop a strategy

c) Loose ideas used to implement the Vision

d) Yes`

4) Before you created a strategy did you get feedback from all employees?

a) Only need to get feedback from Managers

b) Most employees are not interested

c) Yes

5)  Do you think it’s important to have a strategy with measurable goals for all employees?

a) Yes

b) Only for Managers

c) No

6)   Do you share the business strategy and goals with all your employees on a regular basis?

a) Yes

b) Occasionally

c) No, not necessary

7)  Does your Company have a way to measure employee goals?

a) Only for Managers, not applicable to others

b) No, employees don’t like measured goals

c) Yes, we measure all employee goals

 8)  Does your Company reward employees for reaching goals?

a) Yes

b) No

9)  Does your Company celebrate reaching strategy goals?

a) No

b) Yes

10) Do you trust your Management team?

a) All the time

b) Most of the time

c) Occasionally

11)  How often do you have regular Management team meetings?

a) Once a week or bi-weekly

b) Once a month

c) Whenever necessary

d) Never

12)  How do you communicate with your employees?

a) email only

b) video conferencing

c) face to face

d) all of the above

13)  Do you have an ‘open door policy’ so ANY employee can approach you?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Employees only talk to their Managers

14)  Are you a decision maker on important issues?

 a) All the time

b) Some of the time

c) The Managers are the decision makers

15)  Is your Management team dysfunctional?

a) Yes, they fight all the time and never agree

b) No, the team may disagree but we work towards clarity

16) How important do you think it is for you, as the leader, to be authentic?

a) Not important at all

b) Somewhat important

c) Very important

XL Consulting Group partners with their clients to build successful companies by focusing on marketing and business strategy, leadership, team building and financial competence.   For your half hour free consultation, contact us.    We would love to connect with you.

 Leadership Quiz Results

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